Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tandus Flooring Launches "I'm a Believer" Campaign

Powerbond installation
at College of Dupage,
Glen Ellyn, IL.

Customers of Tandus Flooring’s Powerbond® believe so much in a hybrid resilient sheet flooring, the company is launching a two-pronged campaign to showcase the product’s unique attributes. The campaign rewards “Believers” of Powerbond with a chance to win $1000 a month through an online submission form, and for those who are not yet “Believers”, the campaign offers a chance to qualify for a free classroom mock up.

For Believers, click here to enter your Powerbond installation in our Powerbond Installation Search for a chance to win $1000!

Not yet a Believer, click here to fill out the qualification form for a free classroom mock up!